This example demonstrates creating models dynamically in an application. 10 models are created dynamically at the start of the application, and more can be added or removed using the + and - 按钮。
We are going to need a Node to hold the dynamically created models.
Node { id: shapeSpawner property real range: 300 property var instances: [] property int count ...
We're creating 10 models at
so the example shows something at startup.
Component.onCompleted: { for (var i = 0; i < 10; ++i) shapeSpawner.addShape() }
In order to add a new item to the scene, we first use the Qt.createComponent function to create a Component for our model. Then we use the component's createObject function to instantiate the item, passing in the position and scale as parameters.
function addShape() { var xPos = (2 * Math.random() * range) - range; var yPos = (2 * Math.random() * range) - range; var zPos = (2 * Math.random() * range) - range; var shapeComponent = Qt.createComponent("WeirdShape.qml"); let instance = shapeComponent.createObject(shapeSpawner, { "x": xPos, "y": yPos, "z": zPos, "scale": Qt.vector3d(0.25, 0.25, 0.25)}); instances.push(instance); count = instances.length }
Dynamically created models are removed simply by popping and destroying them from the instance stack.
function removeShape() { if (instances.length > 0) { let instance = instances.pop(); instance.destroy(); count = instances.length } }