
Defines a build target that runs androiddeployqt to produce an APK.

命令的定义在 核心 组件对于 Qt6 包,可以像这样加载:

find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core)

该命令在 Qt 6.0 引入。

警告: This command is deprecated since Qt 6.5. Use qt_add_executable 代替。

注意: This command should only be called if targeting the Android platform.



无版本命令 被禁用,使用 qt6_android_add_apk_target() 代替。它支持如此命令的一组相同自变量。


The <target>_make_apk and <target>_make_aab custom targets created by this command take an Android deployment settings file and generate APK and AAB respectively by running androiddeployqt . The location of the settings file is taken from the target 's QT_ANDROID_DEPLOYMENT_SETTINGS_FILE property. This file is typically created by qt_android_generate_deployment_settings() . The respective Android package will be generated in an android-build subdirectory below the CMake build directory of the target .

The <target>_make_apk and <target>_make_aab targets will be automatically added as dependencies of the apk and aab build targets respectively, which will be created automatically. Creating of the apk and aab targets can be disabled by setting the QT_NO_GLOBAL_APK_TARGET and QT_NO_GLOBAL_AAB_TARGET 变量到 TRUE .



The above commands define the myapp_make_apk , myapp_make_aab , apk ,和 aab build targets which can be used to generate just the myapp packages or all APKs and AABs in the project respectively.

另请参阅 qt_android_generate_deployment_settings() , qt_finalize_target() ,和 qt_finalize_project() .