Qt Multimedia 范例

The Qt Multimedia module provides cross-platform multimedia capabilities for Qt based applications.

The examples listed below show some typical use cases in various areas, featuring both low-level audio examples, high level audio and video playback as well as capturing and recording of audiovisual content using both C++ and QML.

音频设备范例 Testing the available audio devices and their configuration.
音频输出范例 Enabling audio playback using the QAudioSink class.
音频录制器范例 Discovering the available devices and supported codecs.
Audio Source Example Recording audio using the QAudioSource class.
摄像头范例 展示如何捕获静止图像或录制视频。
媒体播放器范例 播放音频和视频。
QML 摄像头范例 摄像头范例展示如何使用 API 捕获静止图像或视频。
QML 媒体播放器范例 使用 Qt Quick 播放音频和视频。
QML 视频范例 Transforming video and camera viewfinder content.
QML 视频录制器 使用 Qt Quick 录制音频和视频。
Qt Spatial Audio Examples Demonstrates the spatial audio functionality provided by Qt
Screen Capture Example Capturing a screen or window.
Spectrum Example Analyzing a raw audio stream using the FFTReal library.
视频图形项范例 在图形场景中的流式视频。
视频小部件范例 实现视频播放器 Widget。