Qt 6 中的 Qt 模块变化

Qt 6 是努力使框架更高效,且更易于使用的结果。

We try to maintain binary and source compatibility for all the public APIs in each release, but some changes were inevitable in an effort to make Qt a better framework. Below you can find a list of changes that may affect your application, and which can help you transitioning from Qt 5 to Qt 6.

For information about changes specific to a Qt 6 release, visit Qt 6 的新功能 .

Changes to Qt Bluetooth Migrate QtBluetooth to Qt 6
Qt Charts 的变化 Migrate Qt Charts to Qt 6
Qt Concurrent 的变化 Improved to work with a variable number of arguments
Qt Core 的变化 Changes to containers, strings, serialization and I/O classes
Qt D-Bus 的变化 Minimal porting effort to be able to switch to Qt 6
Qt Extras 模块的变化 Changes to Qt Mac Extras, Qt Windows Extras, and Qt X11 Extras.
Qt GUI 的变化 Kernel, Text, Painting, and Utility classes are modified
Changes to Qt Location Migrate Qt Location to Qt 6
Qt Multimedia 的变化 Migrate Qt Multimedia to Qt 6
Changes to Qt NFC Migrate Qt NFC to Qt 6
Qt Network 的变化 Migrate Qt Network to Qt 6
Qt OpenGL 的变化 QOpenGL classes migrated, QOpenGLWidget class has been moved to Qt OpenGL Widgets
Qt Positioning 的变化 Migrate Qt Positioning to Qt 6
Qt Print Support 的变化 一般 API 整合
Changes to Qt QML Migrate Qt QML to Qt 6
Changes to Qt Quick Migrate Qt Quick to Qt 6
Qt Quick 3D 的变化 Migrate Qt Quick 3D to Qt 6
Qt Quick Controls 的变化 Migrate Qt Quick Controls to Qt 6
Changes to Qt Quick Labs Platform Migrate Qt Quick Labs Platform to Qt 6
Changes to Qt Quick Test Migrate Qt Quick Test to Qt 6
Changes to Qt Quick Timeline Migrate Qt Quick Timeline to Qt 6
Changes to Qt Remote Objects Migrate Qt Remote Objects to Qt 6
Changes to Qt SCXML Migrate Qt SCXML to Qt 6
Changes to Qt SQL Return type for boundValues() has been changed in QSqlQuery class
Qt SVG 的变化 Migrate Qt SVG to Qt 6
Changes to Qt Sensors Migrate Qt Sensors to Qt 6
Qt SerialBus 的变化 Migrate Qt SerialBus to Qt 6
Changes to Qt SerialPort Migrate Qt SerialPort to Qt 6
Qt State Machine 的变化 Migrate Qt State Machine to Qt 6
Changes to Qt Test Touch-related functionality changes
Changes to Qt TextToSpeech Migrate Qt TextToSpeech to Qt 6
Changes to Qt WebChannel Migrate Qt WebChannel to Qt 6
Qt WebEngine 的变化 Migrate Qt WebEngine to Qt 6
Changes to Qt WebSockets Migrate Qt WebSockets to Qt 6
Changes to Qt WebView Migrate Qt WebView to Qt 6
Qt Widgets 的变化 Changes in Kernel classes, Widgets, ItemViews, and Utility Classes
Changes to Qt XML Use QXmlStreamReader for reading XML files