
Learn the basics of Qt and Qt Quick development by following the tutorials that illustrate how to use Qt Creator or Qt Design Studio to create simple applications and build and run them on target platforms:

To Develop With 教程 范例
Qt Widgets Qt Widgets 范例
Qt Quick Qt Quick 范例和教程
Python Qt for Python 教程 Qt for Python 范例

For a more thorough walkthrough of the different aspects of developing applications with Qt 6, see the Qt 6 QML Book 。它聚焦于 Qt Quick,但还提供把 QML 与 C++ 一起使用所需的信息。

The following tutorials illustrate how to use Qt Creator or Qt Design Studio to develop simple applications for a particular platform:

To Develop For 教程 范例
移动设备 Qt Creator: Accelbubble
Embedded Devices
MCUs Qt Design Studio: Washing Machine UI Qt Quick Ultralite Examples

To view a list of all Qt examples, see Qt 范例列表 .

You can follow the learning paths and tutorials on qt.io/courses to learn more about how to create Qt applications:

If you'd rather develop with Microsoft Visual Studio, you can install Qt VS Tools directly from Visual Studio.

Now, we'd like to send you off on your journey to 探索 Qt .