
Qt has two main ways to help make an application scriptable. All of them allow easy integration of the ECMAScript (more widely known as JavaScript) language into the application. Depending on how deep the integration should be, one of these APIs can be used:


This is a simple API, but limited to basic functionality. The main classes are QJSEngine and QJSValue , which can be used to embed pure ECMAScript functionality like evaluating scripts and calling functions.


QML exposes a modified ECMAScript environment. It is designed to mix well with the JavaScript API mentioned earlier. QML may be used without Qt Quick components, which may be useful for server side scripting. With QML it is possible to mix pure ECMAScript and declarative components ( 用例 - 在 QML 中集成 JavaScript ).

All of these three scripting solutions seamlessly inter-operate with 元对象系统 , which means that all 信号和槽 and properties QObject instance are accessible in an ECMAScript environment.