Qt for QNX Support

QNX releases and architectures

Qt 6 is currently tested and supported on QNX SDP 7.1, with support for both 32-bit and 64-bit target architectures:

  • ARMle-v7
  • AArch64le and x86-64 (64-bit)

注意: Support for x86 (32-bit) was removed in QNX SDP 7.1.

Previous releases

Target hardware

For a specific list of available boards, displays and input devices, contact QNX Software Systems ( info@qnx.com ) or KDAB ( qnx-info@kdab.com ).

Qt on the QNX Neutrino OS is also supported by Qt for Device Creation , contact The Qt Company 了解更多细节。

Supported Qt modules

All the Qt 必需 modules are supported in Qt for QNX.

Qt 附件 for information about which Qt Add-On modules are supported in Qt for QNX.

Host systems

QNX has been tested with Ubuntu 20.04 host but may work on other host systems.