Qt Positioning Gypsy plugin


The plugin is an interface to the Gypsy daemon . It requires the daemon to be installed and running on the system to function.

The plugin uses D-Bus and GLib to connect to GPS device and provide satellite information.

Currently the plugin does not provide positioning information.

The plugin can be loaded using provider name gypsy .


The following table lists parameters that can be passed to the gypsy plugin.

参数 描述
deviceName The name of the device (or path to the device file) that will be used to provide satellite information. The typical values can be /dev/ttyUSB0 or /dev/ttyACM0 .
gconfKey The key that will be used to extract device name from the GConf configuration system.

The plugin supports two ways of specifying the device name:

  • Specify the device name directly with the deviceName plugin parameter.
  • Specify the configuration key using gconfKey plugin parameter and extract the device name from the GConf configuration system. This approach is useful when the device name is already specified for some other GConf-based application.

By default, when none of the parameters is specified, the plugin will try to extract the device name from the GConf configuration system using the following hardcoded key:


Using GConf to set parameters

To specify a value for a key in the GConf configuration system, use gconftool-2 as follows:

gconftool-2 -t string -s /apps/geoclue/master/org.freedesktop.Geoclue.GPSDevice /dev/ttyUSB0

Usage example

The following examples show how to create a gypsy satellite info source from C++.

Specifying device name directly:

QVariantMap parameters;
parameters["deviceName"] = "/dev/ttyACM0";
QGeoSatelliteInfoSource *source = QGeoSatelliteInfoSource::createSource("gypsy", parameters, this);

Using GConf key:

QVariantMap parameters;
parameters["gconfKey"] = "/apps/myapp/mykey";
QGeoSatelliteInfoSource *source = QGeoSatelliteInfoSource::createSource("gypsy", parameters, this);