
Qt provides powerful graphics engine that supports easy visualization of items, with support for rotation and zooming. Additionally it provides an event propagation architecture for interaction.

These examples demonstrate the fundamental aspects of canvas programming with Qt.

40000 个芯片 可视化具有 40000 个芯片项的巨大图形视图场景。
碰撞小鼠范例 Demonstrates how to animate items on a graphics view.
简图场景示例 演示如何使用图形视图框架。
拖放 Robot 范例 Demonstrates how to drag and drop items in a graphics view.
弹性节点范例 Demonstrates how to interact with graphical items in a scene.

These examples show the use of graphics widgets and layouts.

锚点布局范例 Demonstrates anchor layout in a graphics view scene.
基本图形布局范例 演示如何创建基本图形布局。
嵌入式对话框 Demonstrates how to embed dialogs into a graphics view.
图形视图流布局范例 Demonstrates flow layout on a graphics view scene.
简单锚点布局范例 演示图形视图场景中的锚点布局。
天气锚点布局范例 演示图形视图场景中的锚点布局。

Some examples demonstrate the use of graphics effects with canvas items.

模糊拾取器效果示例 Demonstrates how to apply graphical effects on items in the view.
褪色消息效果范例 Demonstrates how to apply effects on items in the view.